Sessions, fees and funding
Opening Hours
Our Pre-school operates 38 weeks a year, Monday – Friday; term time only. We are open during the hours of 8.40am and 3.15pm.
Bookings for all Pre-school children should be made via the Pre-school Registration form to allow us to check for spaces and availability. Once places are confirmed, a Parental Statement of Undertaking must also be completed. Booking forms are completed in advance for a full term or part-term if a child joins mid-way through the term. All forms are accessible via the school office: 01530 271019 or
All funded hours or privately paid bookings must be booked in the following blocks:
Morning session no lunch 8.40-11.45 3 hours
Afternoon session no lunch 12.15-3.15 3 hours
Full day (including lunch club) 8.40-3.15 6.5 hours
If all sessions are fully booked, then a waiting list process will be implemented and we will contact you as soon as an opening becomes available.
We run a lunch club for children that stay for both a morning and afternoon session. Children are to bring their own packed lunch. This is charged at £1.50 per session.
Additional Hours
Additional hours are charged at £5.00 per hour. Invoices are issued monthly retrospectively and can be paid by cheque or cash to the school office. By arrangement, this can be paid online via a password link to 'School Money' by either credit or debit card. Please speak to the school office if you would like to pay this way.