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Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and Inclusion

Mrs Becca Pope is our SEND Coordinator.

If you have any questions or concerns linked to special educational needs, she can be contacted to via the school office on 01530 271019.

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We value the ability and success of all students. We are all dedicated to providing the best possible environment for learning.

Measham CE Primary School provides a broad and balanced curriculum for all children including those with special educational needs or disabilities. We are committed to inclusion for all children in all areas of the curriculum. Individual needs will be met through the highest quality of education for all pupils and the efficient and effective use of resources.

For all children with SEND; support and advice is available from the school SENCO. The school seeks advice and guidance from other professionals and involves them in the planning and delivery of support for pupils with SEND. 

To support students with SEND, and in particular those students with an EHCP (Education Health Care Plan)

  • There are regular meetings with parents. Information from these meetings and specialist advice is shared with staff in order to prompt all staff on how to support each child with SEND on an individual basis.
  • Teaching assistant support will be devolved to pupils to address needs if required.
  • Auditory and/or visual requirements will be provided for as required e.g.. visualiser and seating in class. 

​Supporting Children with SEND

We support pupils with SEND through various means: 
​Curriculum support:

  • Adaptation of learning in class by the class teacher through quality first teaching.
  • Specialist advice and support from external agencies including Educational Psychologists
  • English as an Additional Language (EAL) where this overlaps with special needs.

Communication and interaction difficulties:

  • Speech and language therapy support (SALT).
  • Social skills groups.
  • Autism Outreach Team involvement
  • Hearing Impaired service
  • Visually Impaired service

Behaviour and emotional support:

  • Transition and review meetings between school and parents.
  • Liaison with Supporting Leicestershire Families
  • Links with CAMHS, Community Paediatricians etc.
  • Meetings with Headteacher, SENCO and Inclusion Support Team for parents to support behaviour management at home and school.

Physical support:

  • Adaptation of the school building to facilitate access to the school buildings
  • Risk assessments are completed.
  • Health Care Plans.
  • Emergency evacuation plan.
  • Physiotherapist Occupational therapy advice and support where appropriate