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Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Enabling children to flourish and succeed

School Policies

We are a caring Christian community and we believe that every member of the school should feel valued, respected and be treated fairly.
Our vision is:

‘To be a school where happy children flourish.’

Our vision and values are at the heart of the school and shows our commitment to supporting children and families and promoting excellent teaching and learning. We are proud to serve the whole community and it is our aim that through working together, we shape the children and the adults within it, to live fully and ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ Mark 12:31. Loving your neighbour as yourself is something we all want to do.
We are an inclusive school, where everyone has a valuable contribution to make to our school community. Our School Values, based on Christian principles are embedded and reflected in all that we do. These values have been chosen by the school community as a set of moral standards we should understand and try to ‘live’

The school follows the supporting guidance of the Local Authority in terms of admission to our school.