Mathematics at Measham
"Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas." Albert Einstein

Here at Measham CE Primary School, we want to nurture our young mathematicians by providing them with a secure understanding of the number system and to give them confidence in using a range of reliable strategies to help them add, subtract, multiply and divide when solving problems both in school and throughout their adult life.
EYFS pupils focus on cardinality, counting, composition, comparison, shape, space, measures and pattern. A variety of resources are used from the NCETM and white rose, which is then built on in KS1. Pupils have access to rich resources to practically work with in contexts which are meaningful.
Teachers in KS1 and 2 use the White Rose scheme as a basis and supplement teaching and learning with resources from the NCETM and NRICH. The structure of each lesson is: • Get ready ( fluency to sustain prior learning) • Let’s learn (Whole class interactive learning phase) • I Do, We do ( Teacher modelling) • You do ( Apply and rehearse the learning) • Reflect (Consolidate the learning together). Teachers adapt the lessons, using their professional judgement, to ensure that tasks reflect the specific learning objective which are modelled and scaffolded to ensure access and challenge for all. Flash back 4 questions are also used to ensure that pupils can recap prior learning to build further connections to help to retain knowledge.
We use a range of resources to help support our mathematicians and enrichment of the mathematics curriculum takes on many forms, through Story Maths, Picture Maths, Outdoor Maths, Nrich and 'I see reasoning' tasks to ensure that all children leave our school with the opportunities to show a range of character muscles, such as #creativity, #resilience, #loveoflearning and #questioning.
Maths Games
Below are a selection of resources you can print and play at home. Also don’t forget to log in to TTRockstars.
Click here for Times Table Snap
Click here for Times Table Chart
Click here for Place Value
Scroll down to view our children working hard on improving their maths and our fabulous displays around school.